Professional Courtesy License Request

Professional Courtesy License Request


If you are currently or have recently been on a show using WritersRoom Pro you may qualify for a FREE, PROFESSIONAL COURTESY LICENSE.  This offer is for current, valid guild and union members and is extended to qualified writers, producers, directors, assistants, and script coordinators so you can continue using WritersRoom Pro between seasons of your current show as well as between different different jobs entirely.  I mean, now that you’re hooked on using WritersRoom Pro, we can’t just let you wander off and use some other (inadequate) story development solution while waiting for your next job or next season, can we?

Additionally, if you are a member in good standing of IATSE Local 871, regardless of whether or not you’ve ever been on a show using WritersRoom Pro, you may also qualify for the Professional Courtesy License.  You guys are the front line when it comes to efficiency in the writers’ room.  You should be able to use the best tool to make your job easier.

Of course, there are are rules and conditions.  PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:

  1. This license is FOR YOUR OWN USE ONLY.  You may not share it with anyone.
  2. This license is the professional, studio edition with all of the admin functions, security protocols, and multiple scrap boards enabled however it’s SINGLE USER only.  You won’t be able to add a partner or collaborators to your projects as you can with the full, production version you may be familiar with in your writers’ rooms (or the consumer Partner license.)
  3. This license is not a continuation of the license you have/had on your current or most recent show.  You will not be able to access any projects created on a different WritersRoom Pro license, however you can always download a report from that project as an .rtf file and then copy and paste the text into boards on your new license.
  4. This license is for NON-STUDIO (broadcaster, cabler, network, streamer, etc) USE, which means that once the brilliant show you’ve developed with this license is ordered to series and you’re being funded by a  studio, if you want to continue to use your boards in the room you’ll need your studio or production company to subscribe.   We will then help you migrate your work from your Professional Courtesy License to your Pro license.
  5.  This offer may be revoked at any time.  If, for some reason, we decide to do away with the Professional Courtesy License we will provide you with notice so you can download your work.  This  notice period does not apply if you misrepresent your qualifications or eligibility for this offer, which will result in the immediate deactivation of your account.
  6. If you are currently paying privately for a consumer license to WritersRoom Pro — our Indie or Partner editions — you can either keep your consumer license or cancel it, however we don’t have a way to convert your consumer license to the Professional Courtesy license or to migrate your work from your consumer license.  IMPORTANT — AS WE DON’T HAVE AN EXPORT/IMPORT FUNCTION DO NOT CANCEL YOUR CURRENT SUBSCRIPTION UNLESS YOU NO LONGER NEED THE CARDS OR PROJECTS IN THAT SUBSCRIPTION. 

That’s it!  Please use the form below to request your Professional Courtesy license and allow 5-10 business days for us to review your request.